Sunday, September 28, 2008

a movie

you know i always wondered about how hard it would be to pen out a movie, not even the story but just an action movie, in the style of a videogame, where each sceeen is a different level, the main character would have no name what so ever, and the starting of the movie, 2 minits would be like the begining to super gouls and ghosts.

the story would start out as a faimaly like thing would be haveing dinner, than a van pulls up, and nunja style ender the house without being heard, it goes from good to bad as everyone is killed except one chick who is taken and they get away, the right side of the house, there is a sibling like thing that had its head thrown threw a window and decapatated, its night so the main character, it would be kind of a third personish camera, as he gets inside the house and sees shit hit the fan. 4 guys are waiting for him there, he gets a call and is ambushed there...

movie ends with a light on the chick, a gun to her head, and him just comeing into the room...

FUCKING BAM, slow mo, the bullet takes 10 seconds to go i and come out, in that time you see the main characters face twist, the guy with the gun smile, and than the bump on the side of her head explode. in this time, he is captured, like a foot ball team pileup like thing, and the movie fades out while pulling up... NEVER SAYING HIS NAME...

that is either where it ends or a part 2, can go either way, but there are so fucking few good movies where the bad guys win,

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


why dose it seam that videogame companys are all leaning twords good graphics over good game play?

i mean if you take the graphics away from a game and its no longer good than what the fuck was the game in the first place.

from what i have read, a AAA game costs around 50million to make. and all i can say is what the fuck? sence when did a good game take that muck to make.

i mean seriously, id stick with ps1 level of detail, so long as there are no jaggies, anyone who says graphics make the game only came inot gameing with the xbox as a console and is a compleat retard.

all a good game needs is solid gameplay, and probably some level of uniquenness and there you go great game.

but a game that costs 50 mill to make and 60$ minimum to buy beter fucking last longer than 10 hours.... o wait, most dont, well fuck, what to do. . . i know!!!!!! make them pay 60$ a month to play online, fucking genuise.

i hate games that are built for multiplayer, just because it gives them the option to not fucking do shit about the actual game and forces you to play online with other people, and with xbox live it costs 100$ for the wireless thing and another 60 a month for online... seriously fuck you. i have free online on the ps3 and the pc. but here is the thing, is online play realy that great?

generaly every match you have there is at leat 1 douchebag whos idea of fun is runing your idea of fun. sence when shoul i have to pay for that?

forgot where i was intending where to go or some shit