Tuesday, August 26, 2008


origionaly this was supost to be a fourm post but the damn thing wont let me post it there, so i posted it here instead, the first thing is what i was responding to

technology is advancing so fast these days i dont see why people wouldnt be living up there, considering the planet will be half destroyed from green house gasses and global warming will have melted the glaciers and the water level will have rose over 100 ft and there will only be portions of land left on the planet ?

im responding to first pst only because it intrests me, allot.

a few years ago i basily blew off school for weeks (as in not payed attention at all) thinking about it, and i came up with this.

there are 2 branches of thechnology, there is the faster and beter computer kind. and there is the outer space phisical kind.

only 1 branch at a time will evolve, eventualy both will come togeather and we will have both but that wont hapen at the same time.

see what will come first is the robots on the faster computer side, and give them ai, and there we have slaves, kind of. than the phisical side of technology will boost. yada yada


we will see people liveing in space some day, not many, just 10-50,000 at first, self sustained, and id say 3 generations, befor anything massive comes into play. than you get the realy big space projects like a buble on the moon to encase a liveing enviorment of up to 1 million people, possable 10, depending on how condensed it is. eventualy turning things like the moon and mars into liveable enviorments.

now the way you can tell which version is going to happen first is which technologies happen first.

an ai on the computer you can talk to and actualy mistake for another person will be the first senerio is happening.

nanotech reinforceing the imunesystem, possably geting rid of some desieses, will me the senerio 2 will happen first.

however both wont happen at once though, whichever side has a breakthrough first is where all the scientists will gather, and more colaboration will mean more work i that field.

but if your talking in the next 50 years, the senerio is mostlikely to play out.

that is unless aids and cancer funding goes to nano tech reserch, which god knows it wont.

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